The real ServSafe Manager exam has a two-hour time limit, but these practice tests are not timed. Since these practice tests have 20 questions, you’ll need to answer at least 15 of them correctly to achieve a passing score. You need to score at least 75% in order to pass the real exam. Just like the real ServSafe Manager exam, these ServSafe practice tests are multiple-choice with four possible answers. These ServSafe practice tests only have 20 questions each and you will be graded on all of them. The extra 10 questions are “pilot questions” to determine if they will be included in future exams. The real ServSafe Manager exam is comprised of 90 questions, but you’re only graded on 80 of them.
#Serv safe questions update
More information about the changes to the ServSafe Manager curriculum can be found on the ServSafe website here: Food Code Update About these ServSafe Manager Practice Tests – Questions & Answers Many websites have not incorporated those updates into their ServSafe practice tests. Furthermore, there have been supplemental updates to the current 7th Edition ServSafe Manager Book due to changes in the FDA Food Code. Many websites have recycled old questions from the “ 6th Edition ServSafe Essentials” textbook. Be careful when using online ServSafe practice tests. The questions are relevant for all ServSafe Manager exams issued in 2021. These ServSafe practice tests are based on the “ 7th Edition ServSafe Manager” textbook and it’s supplemental updates. Updates for 2021 Exams – 7th Edition ServSafe Food Protection Manager